Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Wow, i've change.

After a few years i stumbled into this old blog again.
And after re-read everything i've wrote i can easily say its embarassing as hell.
God! Weird obsession over silly things, over excited over stupid things.... what was i thinking back then??
I even thought to just delete the whole blog and pretend it never exist in the first place.
But then again i gotta accept it as part of the old me.
God! I feel so old...
Newflash, I'm totally over Twilight Saga years ago.
I thought it was a good book back then, but what do i know?
After a little more experience with several other book with kind of similar genre, i can easily conclude that its only a so-so book at best.
I still like Sookie Stackhouse series, but not as much.
Hm... what else....
Oh, i almost totally losing taste for teenlit, especially the one involved normal life, it seems so shallow now!
Got about two thousand or so ebook in my reader, but most of them i just skipped through until i got a gold. And my current 'gold' is fantasy, gore, thriller, action, or historical and witty romances.
Although theres is this books that kinda freak me out cause the gore level is crazy, but the plot is witty and the character is simply a bunch dumb psycho that easily done some serial killer stuff, but truly deep down just a silly horny teenager.

Well, i guess i've change.
For the better?
We'll see.

Friday, October 19, 2012


the amazing CHOCO PANCAKES!

ini resep nemu sendiri (believe it or not).
it's perfect to me.
rasanya very chocolatey, kadang kayak coco crunch.

here's the recipe...

ingredients :

4 tablespoons of plain flour
3 tablespoons of granulated sugar
2 tablespoons of margarine (or you can use butter), room temperature, don't melt it.
1 tablespoon of cocoa powder
2 tablespoons of powdered milk
1/4 teaspoon of salt
1/2 teaspoon of baking powder
1 medium size egg
3 - 3&1/2 tablespoons of water (depens on the consistency of the batter)
1 tablespoons of evaporated sweetened milk (optional)

prosedure :
1) mix the dry ingredients ; flour,cocoa,powdered milk, baking powder, and salt.
2) mix margarine and sugar till combine, add egg and water, mix again till there's no lump.
3) slowly add the dry ingredients to the wet mix , 1 tablespoon at a time, mix it all till combine.
4) cook it in a fry pan till the bubbles pop and makes holes, then flip.
5) if you want the texture slightly like bisquits, cooked them slightly longer or until they slightly crisp.


n.b. if you make it thick, it'll be like a bread, but it you cook it thin, it'll be like bisquit.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

well, well, well,
setelah sekian lama, akhirnya mood lagi buat nulis di blog.
meskipun blog ini nyaris gak pernah disenggol sama orang lain (maybe because i don't have many friends or whatever), tidak merontokkan niatku buat nulis tulisan yang mungkin tidak penting buat orang lain.
but then again, i don't write for anybody's but mine's sake.

setelah dua tahun kuliah, aku mulai kepentok kejenuhan.
yang awalnya lumayan rajin buat kuliah, and cukup excited buat ngerjain tugas dan praktek, jadi kuliah males-malesan, tugas udah jarang buat (by my own), pokoknya udah jenuh dan males tingkat tinggi.
kalo dapet tugas, suka nunda-nunda, ujung-ujungnya diriku sendiri yang sengsara... :(

kalo lagi bikin tugas terus mentok cause i just don't understand, or simply not confident enough to answer it, i took a certain shortcut, that is copying my classmates task.

i think i can get away with it, because the other classmates that did exactly the same (or even worse) looks just fine.

story short, i get a horrible grades, while they get a fine to good grades (jerks!).

i was kinda down at that time.
tried to have a nice kinda serious conversations with few of my few friends about how i felt about the grade, but turns out, they seems didn't care enough.
well, i can't actually blame them, i mean i'm in college now, people tend to get individualistic.
but still it was kinda hurt, so i act like nothing important happened and try not to be so sensitive about the lack of response.
but  i promise to my self, when i take the 'short semester' remedial program, i will give it my all.
i will focus, and do it as well as i can.

and a month after...

i got two A out of 3 subject!
it's totally pump up my spirits,
even though i'm still concern that i will graduate late because of the last semester crappy grades.
but i'm not giving up (yet, hopefully).
i've consider several possibilities (is that how you spell it? my english is getting rusty), that'll save me.
well turns out, i'm not completely doom.
there's still hope!!
all i need to do is doing well, in this new semester, and i can make it all up, and save my head and pride.

all this experience this last 2 months, makes me realize that if i put enough thought and effort, i can do anything (sorry if its kinda lame).

okay, that's all for now.
i'll write again, someday.

n'abandonnez pas!
(i co-paste it from google translate ;p)

Monday, June 20, 2011


beberapa bulan terakhir ini aku terobsesi banget dengan yang namanya baca novel.
mungkin bukan sesuatu yang spesial bagi orang yang udah kenal aku lama kalo aku sukaaaaaa banget dengan yang namanya baca.
apalagi setelah aku mengenal adobe reader dan  pdf file...
wah, aku jadi keranjingan download ebook sampe2 aku udah gak gitu nafsu lagi buat baca buku apalagi sampe beli buku.
i mean, ngapain harus keluar duit banyak (coz harga buku ikutan naik seiring dengan naiknya harga bbm dan cabe), kalo aku bisa dapet buku yang paling up to date gratis!
saking hobinya download pdf, aku sampe kewalahan sendiri buat baca ebook2 yang udah ku download..
ebook yang ku download udah hampir 200an, sedangkan yang udah ku baca baru sekitar 70an, itu pun gak sampe tamat, coz aku punya kebiasaan kalo cerita dinovel itu gak seperti yang ku harapkan aku jadi males buat bacanya.
mungkin aku keburu nafsu kali ya?
aku sampe rela begadang cuma buat nyelesain baca satu ebook dalam satu hari.
apalagi pas aku keranjingan dengan novel sookie stackhouse, mungkin ada kali seminggu aku kurang tidur dan yang ada dalam otakku cuma novel itu.
belum lagi novel vampire academy..
kalo kalian jeli, kalian bisa liat pattern disana.
aku bukan cuma keranjingan novel biasa, tapi aku keranjingan novel bergenre supernatural romance.
coz it's so freaking cute, hot, and full of excitement!!
dan aku juga udah enek ngeliat atau baca romance yang normal2 aja (thanks to sinetron2 di tv yang merusak otakku).

anyway, here's some of my favorite supernatural romance....
check it out!

dan ini cuma se uprit dari yang aku suka..
kalo ngerasa punya interest yang sama, komen ya.....

Thursday, March 31, 2011

so.. dissapointing with my self..

right after i saw my junior high's classmate photos, i feel so dissapointing with my self.
in that photo, she's with a foreigner and not just that,
i just realized that she's in Indonesia University, one of the most favorable university in Indonesia and learn France.
the photo really slap me right on the face.
because it  shows that she's fighting for a better future,
she's fighting for her dreams.
but me?
i'm stuck here because i have no guts to take a risk for aiming higher level.
and after that, i chat with my other junior high's friends and found out that their dreams is about to coming true..
one was dreaming to become a doctor, and she's in the medical school by now,
the other is studying in one of my dream university and even in one of my dream faculty and department, psycology..
while i'm here..
in the university that i dont even want to think about before, and in department where my least favorite teacher  that teached my least favorite subject graduated from.
actually this is not the first time this problem comes to my mind, but i never felt so horrible like this before..
and you know what, i'm still dont have any guts to say that i dissaponted with my self.
pathetic isn't it?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

tak menyangka atau tak salah sangka??

hari ini aku baru tau kalau orang-orang yang kukira selama ini adalah orang-orang yang baik dan cukup asik buat diajak berteman,,
ternyata gak lebih dari orang-orang munafik yang bisanya hanya mengeluarkan komentar-komentar gak penting yang hanya didasari sifat kekanakan yang selalu ingin tau urusan orang lain..
mereka juga ternyata gak lebih dari anak-anak sok kaya dan sok gaul yang manja dan super kekanakan..
harta itu penting.
semua juga tau tentang hal itu...
aku juga akuin,,
kalo didunia yang materialistis ini nyaris gak ada oarng yang bisa survive tanpa harta.
tapi aku gak pernah (seingatku) menilai orang hanya dari harta saja...
karena harta, kecantikan dan kecerdasan tidak menjamin bahwa seseorang itu dapat dijadikan seorang teman...
terutama untuk mencari teman sejati..
kalau hanya teman untuk menjaga image dan gengsi,,
tanpa dicari pun mereka pasti akan datang sendiri..
permbicaraan hari ini sudah merubah cara pandangku terhadap orang-orang di sekitarku.

Friday, October 8, 2010

latest hottest couple

well, in the series they are not couple (yet),,
but admit it,,
the chemistry between the twoof them is unbearable..
and of course,,
who can say no to such a hottie vampire like ERIC NORTHMAN???
bill compton looks so old and fragile in the presence of ERIC NORTHMAN..
and SOOKIE STACKHOUSE realized that pretty well (in fact, she already dreams about him about 3 times)
and the cutest part is,,
ERIC NORTHMAN is also day-dreaming about SOOKIE STACKHOUSE in the present of some hot strippers..
(i'm melting)
and don't forget about the way ERIC NORTHMAN look at SOOKIE STACKHOUSE's eyes...
so deep...
and he even almost shed a tear when he thought he could never seen SOOKIE STACKHOUSE again...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

my latest favorite books!!

well, now let me tell you about my latest favorite books..(i've already wrote it in the title right?)
ever since about two days ago, when i was trying to find some free streaming site to watch (for free)the vampire diaries season 1, i found an interesting articel about true blood that aired before the vampire diaries.
i'm excited to know that true blood is also about the vampire, so i try to seeks some information about that.
then i've found this website that tells about the list of the true blood books (actually its a sookie stackhouse books series).
at first i really shock to see how much books the series have.
its (till now) 10 books not including some short story that still involved around the true blood main character, sookie stackhouse.
its actually rather creepy, but i encouraged myself to give this series a shot.
and..... voila! i'm in love (again)

find out in this great site...

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

midnight sun

my life was unending, unchanging midnight.
it must, by necessity, always be midnight for me.
so how was it possible that the sun was rising now, in the middle of my midnight?

Monday, June 21, 2010

the last airbender trailer

hopefully it's not as ridiculous as the cartoon.
and jackson looks totally different than when he was in twilight saga.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010


akhir2 ini aku makin cinta dengan yang namanya twilight saga.
stephanie meyer really did a good work.
i love the way she explain the details about bella's feeling.
it feels so emotional,so romantic,and really can make you blush or jealous over bella's luck(or her bad luck).
the basic story is actually pretty simple.
its about loving someone to a point you could give up everything including your own happiness or life.
it had such a big message covered by simpleness of everyday life.

my favorite interview

my favorite part:
Rob: "that's Chicago,right?"
Rob: "nachos"
Rob: "definitely beautiful"
Rob: "three years ago i wouldn't be able to influence my dog to walk"
hha. rob's a funny guy.